Tuesday, February 19, 2013

C4T #2

My second C4T is on a teacher named David Truss. Right when I go to his blog I can see he updates it often and there are many interesting sites and information within his blog. He is also active on Twitter @datruss.

For my first comment I browsed through the blog and decided to comment on January 25, 2013. This post was about "7 Ways to Transform Your Classroom". He further explains the ways to transform and gives his incite on the topic.
For my comment, I introduced myself to David and then noted that when I first came to his blog, I noticed that he is very up to date. More up to date than many other blogs I have commented on which is great! I commended him on finding the time to teach, blog, and have personal time. Then I left my name and Twitter: @Miss_ShelbyD and Blog: http://dayshelbyedm310.blogspot.com/

Below is my first comment
"Hi David! My name is Shelby Day from the University of South Alabama. For my class EDM310 I was assigned your blog to follow. When I first came to your blog, I noticed that you are very up to date. More up to date than many other blogs I have commented on which is great! I commend you on finding the time to teach, blog, and have a personal time. It took me some time (and re-reading) to fully understand some of these concepts but once I understood, they were great! I look forward to future post on your blog! Shelby Day Twitter: @Miss_ShelbyD Blog: http://dayshelbyedm310.blogspot.com/"

For my second C4K comment I commented on David's post "Still the same conversation". He discusses if we need change in the schools. Then he list questions related to if we need change in the schools. At the closing of the post is a video that is a great resource to changing in the schools!

On my comment I left for "Still the same conversation" on David's blog, I reintroduced myself and stated how I felt about education and the technology associated with it. There was also a video that was interesting that I commented on. I left my blog information and my contact information.

Below is my second comment
"Hello again David! To reintroduce I am Shelby Day from the University of South Alabama. For my class EDM310 I was assigned your blog to follow. I agree that education must change! A reason instructors may be afraid of change is because they may not know where to start. I think that education should be more technology based and more interactive with online tools. The video is great and so spot on! Thanks David! Shelby Day Twitter: @Miss_ShelbyD Blog: http://dayshelbyedm310.blogspot.com/"

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